Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Human Rights once again...

I can't believe my ears sometimes, the fact that some nut-jobs in government are still allowed their posts baffles me, they are so backward and bent in their way of thinking, allow me to expand on their latest epiphany.

It is now going to be classed as "Against their Human Rights" to hold DANGEROUS prisoners after their original sentence, even if they are considered dangerous. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it, even freakin slightly, against MY human rights to set a dangerous prisoner free into the populace? I mean, what possible angle is the MP who thought this crap up coming from? Has he got a dangerous criminal brother being held behind bars or something, and he came up with this to get him out? I mean, WHAT?

I have to say, the PC/ Human Rights brigade are REALLY starting to get to me. I swear if you havent read George Orwell's 1984, you need to. It is not long before you will not be allowed to express your own opinion without being imprisoned for annoying someone who has a different one.

I hate this Government.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

UN-AU Peacekeepers...

I was glad to hear that the UN finally stood up today and put forward a joint United Nations and African Union peacekeeping force for the Sudan. However, I still have reservations and I think they are not doing enough. Allow me to elaborate...

First and foremost, although it will be the largest peace-keeping force in the world, it will not be large enough. For those of you looking for facts and figures, allow me to save you googling them...

Fact: The UN-AU force will be 26,000 strong.
Fact: Over 2 Million people are already homeless refugees
Fact: At least (UN estimates are extremely conservative) 200,000 people are already known to have died in the last 4 years of conflict.
Fact: The first peace keepers will not arrive until october
Fact: The Sudanese government have been accused but not tried for War Crimes against their Black Population
Fact: It will cost the UN $2Billion/year to keep the force there.
Fact: They will not be able to shoot militants unless fired upon first or forced to protect civilians from being fired upon.
Fact: They will not have the power to seize unlicenced firearms and illegal weapons of any sort.
Fact: Only one actual "Peace" agreement has been signed, and that was only by two of four warring factions in the Sudanese Capital, Khartoum.
Fact: China actually has a veto over UN action in Africa, and nearly didn't pledge its support.

Basically, I think that if the UNAMID (United Nations and African unions Mission In Darfur) is going to be a success, it will require a few months of talks and negotiations, or there will not be a peace to keep. Too many people have already lost so much that a peace keeping force which is going to antagonise the militia and the government will do nothing but exacerbate the situation and require even more troops etc to be committed.

Again, let me stress that I am extremely glad the UN has finally acted, and I hope it is a good decision. I also hope that it is made for sound reasons, has a sound outcome and allows the people of the Sudan to build themselves back up and turn their countries fortunes around.

I just hope it works.

Friday, 13 July 2007

Gordon Brown...

I can't believe someone quite so boring could get the votes of all those labour back benchers and just walk into power. To be honest, I think he'll make a better PM than David Cameron, but he simply doesn't have that sickening English charisma that saw Big T through ten years in office, I don't think he'll get anywhere near that mark actually.

Another thing- did anyone see David Cameron "Rallying" the conservative troops to give TB a standing ovation? Oh the hilarity, what an absolute muppet. The man led us falsely into war, could well have faced criminal charges (and could yet if more evidence is found) in the cash for honours scam and blindly allowed his wife, the inimitable Cherie show, to go on tour with him and his north american monkey George.

All in all, a rather late but all too painfully relevant rant...

Wednesday, 27 June 2007


First and foremost, I'm not a racist, nor do I condone racism in any way shape or form, but there are a few things I take issue with...

Firstly, the sheer number of immigrants to our society. We are rapidly becoming the most multi-cultural nation on earth simply by not doing a good enough job working out which people should be allowed in and which shouldn't. For example, let in Doctors, Nurses etc, people who can do skilled jobs which could benefit our ailing NHS, but don't let in hook-handed freakshows who are indangered in their own country for inciting violence so that they can incite violence against the very country who offers them respite and shelter from the inevitable hardships they would face back home.

Another annoying thing, especially true recently in Nortern Ireland, is the number of eastern europeans coming to work here. Now I have absolutely no problem with hard-working guys like that coming here and doing work, but if I want a factory job, the fact that it would help if I spoke polish really annoys me. I mean, if you're going to come here to work, learn English. You learn good english, and I'll get along with you fine. If I miss out on a job for not speaking a foreign language which isn't even taught in our schools? Then you and I will NOT get along fine.

Again, I am all for multi-culturalism, it enriches our society and instills a sense of pride that we are a nation where other people WANT to come to, but it is a dangerous thing to have borders which are too open. Illegal immigration is still rife in the waters around these islands and as such the prostitution, drugs and gun-dealing is still rife as well. If the government put half as much effort into stopping illegal people trafficking as it did into laws to allow MORE people to come in, then I wouldn't be writing this rant now.

There we have it- multi-culturalism is annoying me these days, and it should be annoying all like-minded people as well, because if we don't shut our borders at least a little, then we will soon have no culture left of our own, it will be lost in the quagmire of multi-culturalism for ever.

Especially here though, it seems to have given paramilitaries new focus. We can't attack the prods or catholics down the road now due to the peace process and cease fires etc, but we can all go and burn out the slovak family living at the end of the street, oh yes, perfect solution. What is it about these scumbags in Northern Ireland that feel they must always have a target? Someone to rob, intimidate or beat? This country is an annoying place to live in general...

Monday, 25 June 2007

Food Aid...

You know, I've been reading quite a bit about the world around me these last few days, and in so doing I have come to realise something- we are a nation of fat, greedy, stupid and ignorant people. Ignorant as in vulgar and ignorant as in unaware of the world around us.

At some point, we as a nation need to stand up and be counted. We need to intercede for those who cannot speak for themselves and we need to be heard where they are not. For example, the Famine in Sudan (see below for a rant). Here we are, in a totally utopian society by their standard of living and yet, we still see fit not to send them technology, or money, but rather food aid. Keeping the poor poor and allowing us to live with a clear(ish) conscience. Well, yet again folks, America is to blame.

Little known to the rest of the world is this- America has a clause in its food Aid Laws, that 80% of it MUST, by LAW, be sourced INSIDE the US's borders. That means that only 20% or less is grown by the poor of the world themselves. Now tell me I'm crazy if you want, but surely there must be a way we can help people climb out of poverty and still support our own farmers etc?

Britain, once again, and the EU indirectly, have taken the lead on this, and now 50% or more of EU food aid is grown in the countries it is destined for. Look at it this way- it is easier, cheaper and more effective as a poverty remedy if grain grown two miles away is sold cheaply to rural communities, rather than grain grown 2000miles away being sent and taken by gangs, dictatorships and villains, making the poorest of the poor miss out yet again.

Sadly, due to America's COLOSSAL grains and corns industries, the EU give only 24% of international food aid. America give 71% or so, so we have a grand total of only 28% of food aid overall being grown in the countries so desperate to be growing their own food. I read in TIME magazine the other day that a "typical" american family will spend $370 on food per week, for a family of five. In Chad, where many sudanese refugees are now being settled, the average spend of a five person family for a week is $1.23cents, and that is with free water from Oxfam, and barely enough food to keep them alive. Naturally, American over-indulgence meant the american family spend most money on drinks- beer, coke, fruit juice etc, coming to nearly $122 alone. The tap water in America is safe, clean and free (perhaps unlike here for long) but they spent a third of their average weekly spend on drinks. Says a lot I reckon.

Again, german and french families where more conservative, spending closer to $200 apiece, but rememver that is equivalent to about £105 these days, so although they didn't feature a British Family, the french and german equivelent was close to where I would say the average family of 5 has their spending on groceries, perhaps a little less in the UK as our food is disproportionately cheap anyway (see Tesco for examples- beans at 8p, lemonade at 7p).

Back to the point though- if we were to give the poor of the world methods, farming equipment and advice on irrigation and dams, then we would be able to halve our food aid in no time, and although food aid is fantastic in times of famine (see Joseph when he was put in charge of grain in Egypt some 4000 years ago, find it at the end of Genesis, chapter 41 or thereabouts) it is not something which will somehow rescue the countries in need of it from the quagmire of poverty induced fatigue and loss of productivity.

Global Warming...

I was reading last night about Al Gore and his seemingly endless quest to have the major world-polluting-countries come together and assess and prevent global warming. The problem I have is not, obviously, with Al Gore, he is one of the "good guys", but with the rest of america and it's inability to see its own pollutants as a major cause, but would rather point to china (A population of over 1 billion) and their pollution, which although it is steadily catching America is still not as bad.

I am reminded of the proverb that Jesus once told, concerning our attitude to each other, and it is the same for world leaders- "First remove the plank from your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your friends eye". I forget where it's found in the bible, but go through the Gospels, it's there, honestly.

I was hearing the day before yesterday that China is now building a staggering 2 power plants EVERY WEEK. To put that into perspective, thats enough power to keep inner city LONDON running EVERY WEEK by a long long way. Or, the equivalent to 2 MILLION more cars on the road per year.

Lets look at that shall we- 2 M cars per plant, 2 plants per week, 52 weeks in a year- thats 208MILLION more cars on the road this time next year, just from china alone, and thats conservative hoping they don't INCREASE production. Production of what I hear you ask? Well, our out-sourced telecoms industry call centres need power. Our cheap labour markets and sweat shops need power. Our computer building and production centres need power. Basically, China is polluting the world currently not for its own benefit, but for our greed. And that has got to be annoying world leaders such as Britain and America if only for the fact that it is clear they are the cause of most of this problem but it is also becoming imminently clear that whilst they are the problem, they do not have a solution, and it would seem mighty hypocritical (thats what governments are for after all) to tell China to cut down when America (The UK did) cannot even stick to it's 2005 Kyoto agreement with any degree of integrity.

America has a problem- It wont cut down on its own emissions, but it would like to tell everyone else to do the same thing. Here we are then- ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. If America could see fit to reduce their emissions by even 5%, or at the VERY LEAST, level the emissions at the rate they are now, then surely that would lend credence to whatever they wanted to tell China? As in, don't do what we did then, do what we're doing now.

I hope China takes the UK's lead and not the dumbass Americans who simply cannot control themselves when it comes to telling other people how to rule their countries.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Fat, useless gits who sponge off everyone...

We all know the type, fat messes who eat so much they get too fat to work and it ends up being more profitable for them to actually sponge off the honest, tax paying people of this country rather than lose weight and get a job.

Wife swap (awful show that it is) had a great example of this, when a sponger's wife swapped with a middle class, hard working mum, and the hard working mum realised when she looked at the money coming in in benefits etc that despite the fact she and her husband were both working FULL time, they had less coming in that Mr Slob, who was recieving a few "dubious" benefits as well as his basic dole.

She broke down crying, as well she might, and was utterly aghast that someone who gave NOTHING to the country supporting him was actually given not just a free ride, but the mother of all free rides in that he was actually earning around 32K a year FOR BEING A LAZY FAT BEAST.

Absolutely flippin unbelievable how bad this country is that we can reward the lazy, punish the earnest, reward the rich and punish the poor. I hate the government, I hate this country, and I especially hate fat lazy gits who do nothing for anyone but expect everything from everyone.

Idiot Claims...

I'll admit I may have touched on this before, but I suspect it is now worthy of its own little chapter, so here goes...

I am all in favour of people who deserve compensation getting compensation, but people who are injured via pure stupidity, or issue needless, fraudulent claims to try n get money for nothing, are absolutely ridiculous, and should be issued with the costs of their stupid court cases instead, that would harden them. All these "No win, No fee" cases would be fantasticly reduced if it was "Win or Lose, we'll take you for half of it or 10K, whichever is more!" wouldn't they?

I cannot stand the governments stance on this, allowing all these things to take up court time and, in all likelihood, simply line Lawyers, Barristers and Solicitors (No, I don't know the difference) pockets.

Filthy money grabbers the lot of them.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007


To be totally honest, this has to be the thing which annoys me beyond all measure. People who talk about other people, especially, but not always, behind their backs have to be replacing stupid people as the people I hate the most, I despise them in fact. I was going to try and inject some humour into this but it makes me too angry so I'm not going to bother.

It's like when people ask you about things, not because of a genuine interest in your welfare or state of mind but because they think you'll give them some sort of juicy little piece of common interest rubbish, which you can then tell others in hushed tones. It's often quite astonishing when you tell someone a secret as to how quickly it can become common knowledge, isn't it? "Don't tell anyone, but such and such happened to such and such the other day, don't say I told you", how annoying that sort of faux-honesty is. "Keep this between us, okay?" is supposed to mean DON'T TELL ANYONE! But most people these days just assume it means if you're going to tell someone, make sure it can't be traced back to you.

I really don't like people who ask specifically for Gossip when they would endear themselves to me a whole lot more by asking questions such as how are you instead. "Any goss?" isn't quite so personal is it?

Anyway, I have decided that I will be telling nothing to anyone for the foreseeable future, because as far as I can tell, I am the only person in the whole world who knows what it means to be told something in confidence and to keep it that way.

P.S. if you are a gossip, don't talk to me. I hate you.

Saturday, 5 May 2007


Guys (and girls) who do EXCESSIVE speeds all the time need locking up. That new t.v. spot they have is, well, a little too graphic, but all in all, I agree. I don't mind guys doing 80 down the motorway, but 60 in a 30 is a definate no-brainer. Even if good drivers are speeding, the un-expected can always occur, and when it does, the carnage is always going to be worse the faster the car is travelling at!

There is no excuse for driving stupidly fast on country roads, no excuse viable anyway. If I was a peeler I'd throw the book at anyone doing more than 10mph over any speed limit, I really would.

Anyway, I'm away to work.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Letigious Society!

Is it me or are we following America's lead when it comes to introducing legalities and frivalous claims into absolutely everything? You need only read my Americans post to see how I rate them as a civilisation, so I can't understand why we feel the need to make rods for our own backs and legislate for absolutely any number of daft things.

For example, that bint in America who got burnt by her coffee then sued McDonalds for a few MILLION dollars, could no one have just stood up and said "I'm sorry Mrs Dipshit, but you are actually just stupid and as such we are going to banish you to Antarctica where your dumbass antics will not (hopefully) endanger anyone else you idiot", and if not why not?

Years ago she would have accepted she was a bit slow and got on with her life, but no, not in claim culture America, she told her Lawyer and hey presto! A few million SPONGED dollars to live her life in stupid retirement. It was like giving a thug a million quid not to rob anyone else, just ridiculous. And the guy who put his Motor-Home into Cruise Control and then went in the back to make coffee, what a complete tool he was. Again, no-one told him he was a retard, so he expected a full on Auto-Pilot to kick in, and when he crashed because it didn't, who was to blame? He was dammit, him. But not in America! Oh no, the manufacturer should have told him there was yet to be a full-auto-pilot function and that cruise control would not actually control anything but the speed of his journey. What fools they were!

And now we are adopting this approach in the UK as well, love it! Now we can actually make our society even more dysfunctional with a few claims here and there for stupidity's sake. For example, a Kid falls over at a youth club. Big deal 10 or even 5 years ago, but now? Oh boy, you better have the best child-protection policy in the world or that kid who you MADE play football and who you MADE fall over his own feet will take you to the cleaners and there will be no-one to stand in his way. Disgusting.

Again, the point here is clear. We can either follow Americanised rules of civilisation, or we can invent our own where the clever, honest, hard-working people are rewarded, and the silly, dishonest, scrounging people are re-housed, in America, where they belong.

Gordon Brown needs to get Britain back on the rails, because we are already so far gone that soon there'll be no track to return to, and then we'll be a little colony of silly Americans...

Idiots in localised Government!

I was listening to the Nolan show this morning and it came on that these plonkers in the belfast city council could see no reason to prosecute a man who had two dangerous dogs in the belief that the treadmill he had was to exercise them when it was raining, not to train them for fighting. Funny then that they also saw no illegal goings on with the dog-fighting manuals, steroids and needles, the scars on both dogs and the poor surroundings they were kept in isn't it?

The dogs will be handed back at 3 o'clock today as there is no case to answer apparently. Well it will make sorry reading if either of said dangerous dogs is allowed to hurt a child or even kill one, and it will be totally down to some tools in local government being blind to the blindingly obvious facts in this case. Yet another example of something completely straightforward being made insanely complicated by beaurocratic idiots who feel they need extra work to justify their equally idiotic salaries.

Our local MP's and MLA's are actually paid for doing nothing most of the time, it's a flippin disgrace! How many people can positively say that their own MLA has enriched their lives in any way, shape or form? I can't, but I would still hate to see Sinn Fein as the biggest party, at least my idiots are unionist idiots, it would be a lot worse if they were nationalist idiots, of which there are plenty to choose from.

Dumbass officials make dumbass decisions, so I guess we're all partly to blame for this...

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Tony Blair!

I don't think it's fair that I had a good old rant about George "Dubya" Bush and all his dumb american buddies and left Tony alone, so here goes...

His politics are ok, but the way he smarms about and pretends that they are PERFECT is what gets me, I mean every aspect of government could be improved upon, like less tax, better healthcare, better social services and especially, ESPECIALLY where our soldiers end up. Iraq is a mess, and the UK have got to hold their hands up and admit that this is partly our fault. It's almost as though the playground bully (America) has cornered us and told us to go help him beat up a geeky kid so we can both share his lunch money, and instead of standing up to the bully, we got greedy and went along with it, taking Iraqioil down in price and getting huge contracts to rebuild a country we tore to shreds with not one but TWO gulf wars. If we had just taken the tyrant out the first time we wouldn't have had anywhere near the chaos in the middle east we do now.

Another thing is his wife, Cherie, talk about acting like a prize idiot all the time. Singing in Japan was the final straw for me, she murdered a song that only she could have, it was horrible!

Tony is an absolute tit, and Gordon Brown as successor? I dread to think how bad this country is going to be by the end of HIS tenure!

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

House Prices...

Did you know that in Northern Ireland in the last ten years the average house price has increased from 66,000 to 189,000? Thats nearly a 200% increase in that time and now first time buyers and single people make up the smallest proportion of house buyers in the region.

I mean, who needs an apartment in belfast's Annadale Embankment so much that they are willing to almost literally sign a blank cheque for it? Well, apparently a lot of people. So many people in fact, that the most recent block of apartments and town houses went, and some are still going for, over 300K a pop. Now thats a lot for a two bed apartment, considering my family's home is a five bed two reception and its worth less than that by some way.

In Magheralin, where I live, the house prices would suggest we are living in some kind of bubble, where apartments (yes, in the VILLAGE of magheralin) are now in the region of £200,000 and this is percieved as GOOD value. Say what? Good value? Good value would be me paying each buyer £5.00 to let me punch them in the face and tell them how stupid they are, 200K for an aprartment in Maralin isn't good value AT ALL. In fact, I'd struggle to find ANY apartment in Northern Ireland which would have a "Good Value" label attached to it for 200K!

It really will be almost impossible for people my age and younger to buy their own houses in this country very soon, and even the ones that do now are borrowing HUGE mortgages in order to do so. For example, say I'm earning 30K a year by 25, now thats a decent salary. But a bank will only lend me 3 times that. That means I can afford to buy, with a deposit of 10K, a 100K house. Hang on, the average house price is already twice that? So what can I do to get a house? Take out a 50year mortgage and end up paying around 400K for a small home that should have cost 150K? I dread to think how much houses will actually cost when I'm trying to buy one, but it does not look good.

For any of us.


Alright, so I don't know much about this topic, but perhaps that's just another reason why I don't like them so much...

...it turns out, that if you are a rich executive in charge of a major company, you don't have to pay taxes (or at least, not 40% taxes) on your bonuses, so if you pay yourself 50K a year, but make 3MILLION in bonuses, then you'll end up paying less tax than someone who earns 100K a year. Now, tell me I'm crazy, but that is completely flippin disgusting. So whilst Joe Public is crushed by the taxman, the Rich get richer and the Poor get poorer.

Typically, the government are of course, on the side of the rich guys, and (according to my dad) they won't tax the Rich people any more in case they take their money to another country. Well correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what Rich people do anyway? Buy yachts, property and other companies around the world? Move their business interests to low wage, developing countries? If they don't like the frickin taxes in this country we should kick them out of it! I have only paid about £1300 of National Insurance and Taxes in total so far in my life (I'm only 21 remember) but at least I can rely on the NHS to help me out if I need the odd heart transplant when I'm older, I know I've at least contributed something to the economy in the form of my National Insurance deductions.

I hate the idea that because you earn more, you should be taxed less, surely the 40% tax bracket should apply to ALL money earned over whatever the threshold is by EVERYONE who earns it? Analysts reckon that in the past 10 years, the top 5% of the richest people in the UK have become 10times richer than the other 95% in real terms. Thats outrageous, utterly outrageous. The quality of their lives in most cases would not significantly decrease if they were taxed a bit more, would it?


Monday, 23 April 2007


Seriously, how annoying can restaurants be? They are up there with America in terms of potentially annoying things that can happen in them.

Take last friday night for example, in a well known Italian restaurant. We arrive, on time, for a table booked for 8o'clock, and where is it? Not free yet. In fact, it wasn't free until nearer to 8.20pm! Ragin, and my little friend Natalie, who tends to get stressed out by little things, was F-REAKIN out because the stupid beggars couldn't book tables with enough of a gap to ensure they are free when they need to be!

Another annoying thing in the same restaurant is the fact that the waiting staff watch over you as you eat endlessly, and seem as though they are trying deperately to put you off your food. An impossibility for someone like me, but it is incredibly frustrating if you feel someone is watching you as you eat. Prices are good though, and the food is excellent.

Restaurants in general though, especially in little ol' Norn Iron irk me all the time. Another example is the Causeway Coast Hotel. I use this one because they can't even get Lasagne right. I mean, Lasagne? Wrong? Really? For frig's sake, I can make better lasagne than they did, and at least mine would be cooked! Dispicable when you consider that the Causeway is THE tourist attraction of Northern Ireland and attracts a serious amount of trade from such, only for them to be met with a half-hearted menu and uncooked food even a schoolkid in his or her Home Ec class could better!

What about tipping? Do you tip regardless of service? I sure as heck don't, if they don't deserve it DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM!!! That way, when they improve their service the next time, they'll have not only bettered themselves, but the restaurant will improve for everyone else as well.

Finally, as if this rant wasn't long enough, you get the perverts. That's right folks, the bar staff, concierges and even the occasional waitress who just can't keep their eyes off you or your date. Now that's annoying, really REALLY annoying. Alright, so I've pulled above my station on numerous occasions, that doesn't mean the flippin waiter can leer across the table at my girl, hell no, cause I'm likely to take offence and in a worst case scenario, beat him with his own tray in front of everyone, til he cries like some schoolboy bitch. Likewise, whilst more flattering, it is off-putting when a waitress gives you the eye, she should know better.

I'm done. Like good Steak.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Bad Film Critics...

Short one this time, I promise...

How annoying is it when you go to a film that was listed as excellent and find it so boring you fall asleep and wonder if it ever got any better?

Hate bad film critics, especially in newspapers.

It works vice versa also, sometimes they say its bad when its awesome!

Human Rights

Is it just me, or has the Human Rights movement gotten out of control? For example, how can my human rights be off less significance than someone elses?

Take this example- Abu Hamza, hook-handed nutjob that he is, isn't allowed to be deported as it would be a breach of his human rights, and yet he is free to go around preaching intolerance of the "West" and encourage young, easily led Muslim men to enlist in jihad, a "Holy" war against infidels, no such mention is made in the Koran I may add. So who's human rights are more important? Me, who has lived in the UK his entire life and would like to continue living there without the threat of pshychotic suicide bombers hanging over me, or him, an immigrant to a country he clearly flipping detests? ME dammit, ME! My rights are more important, in this case at least!

Yet another example is the non-extradition of criminals if it is a breach of their human rights? The case in point is that of "General" Pinochet? He can't be extradited for HUMAN RIGHTS atrocities because its a breach of his HUMAN RIGHTS????


That said, it's important to stress that I am all for the human rights act- the human right to clean water, sanitation, a roof over your head etc, but since the world can't even cough up to do that for everyone perhaps the rest of our human rights should take a back seat for a while?

Just a thought, just a thought.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

America (And nearly everything it stands for)

America, you have to be an American not to hate it, don't you? Every time an American comes on T.V. I feel like travelling to their home town to beat the hell outta them, right-wing Religious American style. Like that guy Fred Phelps or whatever his name is, what a crazy bloke. Crazy!

He runs about having protests at innocent american soldiers funerals as he reckons that they died because his country has an open view on homosexuality. Oh my word, does he hear himself when he's speaking or is he totally demented? He has polluted his ENTIRE family into thinking like he does as well, and has them all rallying 365 days of the year to ensure no funeral goes un-protested at, I mean dedication is all well and good, but he's dedicated to completely the wrong thing and I can't stand that.

Another American thing- the Corporate Industries that it has "spawned". I say spawned because they are fully like diseases or funghi that have infected and festered around the globe, like some other-worldly mushrooms that grow and grow until they have no more land left to occupy. Starbucks, Wall-mart (And if you think Wall-mart aren't in the UK then think again- they now own ASDA), K-mart, they all stand for gain gain gain at everyone elses expense, and this phenomenon has sparked off here in the form of Tesco's. Did you know Tesco gets something like 9p in every £1.00 spent in the UK now? WOW. That is disgusting, but thankfully the competition commission has now stepped in to examine their practises. Ha ha, hope they stop all their expansion programmes for ages!

Then there's the American people, some of whom, like George Bush, are the typical Americans I love to hate. He's stupid, incompetent, completely hell-bent on worsening the situations in already war-torn and battered countries and he's a puppet president who does what congress says and never really understands the reasons, backdrop or consequences of doing so. Absolutely could be the worst bloke to have ever been president of anywhere, and I know all about people like Idi Amin etc, I still think little George could have been responsible for more deaths than Idi is.

America, absolutely abhorrent.

However, I did say at the start NEARLY everything it stands for, well thats because at least in theory, it is still a christian country, founded on and ruled by christian laws etc, but even that is wearing increasingly thin.


Stupid People!

How can anyone else not get genuinely annoyed by people who are supposedly smart doing ridiculously stupid things? My word, I can feel the anger start to well up when people who have honours degrees, doctorates, good a-levels even, start to do stupid things.

For example, when someone gets their words mixed up, and instead of correcting themselves, they get angry when someone else corrects them, like, what? If they weren't so thick as to get it wrong in the first place then good, intelligent people like me wouldn't have to run around correcting them, would we?


Stupidity should be outlawed, like stealing, except with less harsh penalties obviously, seeing as we're all allowed one or two "Blonde" or "Senior" moments, depending on whether your are sexist or ageist of course. But a three strikes and you're out rule would be okay, like three serious stupidity offences and we kick you out of the country, like to America, where its very nearly COOL to be stupid! I hate America, thats next on my to do list...


Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Political Correctness...

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to run around yelling the "N" word at black people, or telling people who are overwieght that they are, in fact, overweight, but politcial correctness is disgusting. I should be able to say whatever I want, like in America where the 5th ammendment or whatever it is allows total freedom of expression or something, why can't I have that?

I want to be able to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong IN MY OPINION without being labelled some throwback to the 16th century who needs to readjust himself to the noughties. For example, someone says they hate my country, but come to live in it to incite racial hatred and tension but we aren't allowed to deport them because its a breach of their Human Rights? Say what? Human rights are MY rights also, I don't want some gun-toting, allah-worshipping nutjob living in the UK and telling his Asian followers to kill me and my friends simply because its a breach of his human rights to deport him, SO WHAT? Deport that bloke, Abu Hamza I think his name is, y'on freak with a hook for a hand (probably got it cut off for theft or something like that, I dunno) and get him out!

Politicians have no stones anymore, I tell you what, I don't like her, never did, but Maggie Thatcher would have kicked him out...