Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Political Correctness...

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to run around yelling the "N" word at black people, or telling people who are overwieght that they are, in fact, overweight, but politcial correctness is disgusting. I should be able to say whatever I want, like in America where the 5th ammendment or whatever it is allows total freedom of expression or something, why can't I have that?

I want to be able to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong IN MY OPINION without being labelled some throwback to the 16th century who needs to readjust himself to the noughties. For example, someone says they hate my country, but come to live in it to incite racial hatred and tension but we aren't allowed to deport them because its a breach of their Human Rights? Say what? Human rights are MY rights also, I don't want some gun-toting, allah-worshipping nutjob living in the UK and telling his Asian followers to kill me and my friends simply because its a breach of his human rights to deport him, SO WHAT? Deport that bloke, Abu Hamza I think his name is, y'on freak with a hook for a hand (probably got it cut off for theft or something like that, I dunno) and get him out!

Politicians have no stones anymore, I tell you what, I don't like her, never did, but Maggie Thatcher would have kicked him out...

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