Monday, 25 June 2007

Global Warming...

I was reading last night about Al Gore and his seemingly endless quest to have the major world-polluting-countries come together and assess and prevent global warming. The problem I have is not, obviously, with Al Gore, he is one of the "good guys", but with the rest of america and it's inability to see its own pollutants as a major cause, but would rather point to china (A population of over 1 billion) and their pollution, which although it is steadily catching America is still not as bad.

I am reminded of the proverb that Jesus once told, concerning our attitude to each other, and it is the same for world leaders- "First remove the plank from your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your friends eye". I forget where it's found in the bible, but go through the Gospels, it's there, honestly.

I was hearing the day before yesterday that China is now building a staggering 2 power plants EVERY WEEK. To put that into perspective, thats enough power to keep inner city LONDON running EVERY WEEK by a long long way. Or, the equivalent to 2 MILLION more cars on the road per year.

Lets look at that shall we- 2 M cars per plant, 2 plants per week, 52 weeks in a year- thats 208MILLION more cars on the road this time next year, just from china alone, and thats conservative hoping they don't INCREASE production. Production of what I hear you ask? Well, our out-sourced telecoms industry call centres need power. Our cheap labour markets and sweat shops need power. Our computer building and production centres need power. Basically, China is polluting the world currently not for its own benefit, but for our greed. And that has got to be annoying world leaders such as Britain and America if only for the fact that it is clear they are the cause of most of this problem but it is also becoming imminently clear that whilst they are the problem, they do not have a solution, and it would seem mighty hypocritical (thats what governments are for after all) to tell China to cut down when America (The UK did) cannot even stick to it's 2005 Kyoto agreement with any degree of integrity.

America has a problem- It wont cut down on its own emissions, but it would like to tell everyone else to do the same thing. Here we are then- ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. If America could see fit to reduce their emissions by even 5%, or at the VERY LEAST, level the emissions at the rate they are now, then surely that would lend credence to whatever they wanted to tell China? As in, don't do what we did then, do what we're doing now.

I hope China takes the UK's lead and not the dumbass Americans who simply cannot control themselves when it comes to telling other people how to rule their countries.

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