Tuesday, 24 April 2007


Alright, so I don't know much about this topic, but perhaps that's just another reason why I don't like them so much...

...it turns out, that if you are a rich executive in charge of a major company, you don't have to pay taxes (or at least, not 40% taxes) on your bonuses, so if you pay yourself 50K a year, but make 3MILLION in bonuses, then you'll end up paying less tax than someone who earns 100K a year. Now, tell me I'm crazy, but that is completely flippin disgusting. So whilst Joe Public is crushed by the taxman, the Rich get richer and the Poor get poorer.

Typically, the government are of course, on the side of the rich guys, and (according to my dad) they won't tax the Rich people any more in case they take their money to another country. Well correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what Rich people do anyway? Buy yachts, property and other companies around the world? Move their business interests to low wage, developing countries? If they don't like the frickin taxes in this country we should kick them out of it! I have only paid about £1300 of National Insurance and Taxes in total so far in my life (I'm only 21 remember) but at least I can rely on the NHS to help me out if I need the odd heart transplant when I'm older, I know I've at least contributed something to the economy in the form of my National Insurance deductions.

I hate the idea that because you earn more, you should be taxed less, surely the 40% tax bracket should apply to ALL money earned over whatever the threshold is by EVERYONE who earns it? Analysts reckon that in the past 10 years, the top 5% of the richest people in the UK have become 10times richer than the other 95% in real terms. Thats outrageous, utterly outrageous. The quality of their lives in most cases would not significantly decrease if they were taxed a bit more, would it?


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