Wednesday 9 May 2007

Fat, useless gits who sponge off everyone...

We all know the type, fat messes who eat so much they get too fat to work and it ends up being more profitable for them to actually sponge off the honest, tax paying people of this country rather than lose weight and get a job.

Wife swap (awful show that it is) had a great example of this, when a sponger's wife swapped with a middle class, hard working mum, and the hard working mum realised when she looked at the money coming in in benefits etc that despite the fact she and her husband were both working FULL time, they had less coming in that Mr Slob, who was recieving a few "dubious" benefits as well as his basic dole.

She broke down crying, as well she might, and was utterly aghast that someone who gave NOTHING to the country supporting him was actually given not just a free ride, but the mother of all free rides in that he was actually earning around 32K a year FOR BEING A LAZY FAT BEAST.

Absolutely flippin unbelievable how bad this country is that we can reward the lazy, punish the earnest, reward the rich and punish the poor. I hate the government, I hate this country, and I especially hate fat lazy gits who do nothing for anyone but expect everything from everyone.

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