Tuesday 28 August 2007

Human Rights once again...

I can't believe my ears sometimes, the fact that some nut-jobs in government are still allowed their posts baffles me, they are so backward and bent in their way of thinking, allow me to expand on their latest epiphany.

It is now going to be classed as "Against their Human Rights" to hold DANGEROUS prisoners after their original sentence, even if they are considered dangerous. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it, even freakin slightly, against MY human rights to set a dangerous prisoner free into the populace? I mean, what possible angle is the MP who thought this crap up coming from? Has he got a dangerous criminal brother being held behind bars or something, and he came up with this to get him out? I mean, WHAT?

I have to say, the PC/ Human Rights brigade are REALLY starting to get to me. I swear if you havent read George Orwell's 1984, you need to. It is not long before you will not be allowed to express your own opinion without being imprisoned for annoying someone who has a different one.

I hate this Government.

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