Wednesday, 27 February 2008

More Legality issues!

And here we go again, it's been a while since I was IRKED by someone or something, but today was that day again.

It turns out that in order to DISCOURAGE anti-social behaviour, we shouldn't try young people until they are 16 or 18. What? That is absolutely ridiculous, so that if a 16 year old thug goes out and mugs or beats or even rapes someone, they are left untried as a juvenile and given rehabilitation instead? Gimme a break, a 16 year old person who does something like that should be tried as an adult and locked up, they can do thier rehab in Prison like all the other delinquents. Are the government seriosuly trying to suggest that a 16 year old doesn't understand right from wrong? The beauty of court is that every case is decided on it's merits, so if some 16 year old with learning difficulties, sociopathic tendencies or whatever comes in, perhaps the "He didn't know what he was doing" card can be played, but the government are seriously suggesting that the average 14-18 year old who commits a crime doesn't know right from wrong? Do me a favour.

And we have a minister for justice who thinks the world will be a safer place when we let all these young people go back on the streets virtually un-punished? We think ASBO's will sort them out? Please, a recent poll in Glasgow suggested that ASBO's are a badge of honour now, and some young people are actively trying to get one bestowed upon them!

The youth of today need role-models and a stern hand, not poncy beaurocrats a soft judicial system, Ridiculous.


Dave Wilson said...

You're amazing. You're views on ASBO's and other such contemporary, challenging issues have inspired me to beat my own children, as well as the children I see playing in the street.
I thank you.

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